Thursday, September 5, 2013

Review System

To show how I grade books for reviews.

Solo books, sequels and trilogies one to five:

One: The only way to get this rating is if the story makes no sense. Grammar is atrocious; fragments are as common as the lack of periods. Don’t know how it was published. This is rarely given. One star is preferred over the two stars.

Two: Below average. The star that makes me regrets picking up the book. Less favored then the one star review.

Three: Average. Also given if idea is strong and I can see where they were headed.

Four: One of the best books I’ve read in a long time.

Five: The unattainable. The only way to get a five star review is if you break taboos* or make the entire read pointless. I.E. dream sequence. A five can also be given if you kill off the main character. **In rare cases, you exceed my expectations. This one is rarely given.

*excludes fantasies and science-fiction

**Given for sequels and trilogies

Series review one to five: I consider a series to be more than three books. Sequels and trilogies get the individual ratting system. This rating system doesn’t start until book half way through book two.  

One: Must have been a favor to read this far. Not as good as the first one. Series is dropped.

Two: Good. Will read book three but only give it four chapters.

Three: Great. Keep them coming.

Four: As good as the previous, possibly better. Eagerly awaiting the next book

Five: Perfection in my eyes. Can only be given after the entire series is complete.

Author review one to five:

One: Must have been a favor to pick up another book

Two: Good

Three: Great. Fantastic,

Four: One of my favorite authors. Eagerly awaiting the next book

Five: God in my eyes. Can’t do any wrong. Everything they do is perfect. If defecating a masterpiece was in the realm of possibility, they could do it.

Given upon death of writer and after I’ve read at least three quarters of their entire work in any genre. It can only be awarded if half of the read material is four stars and the rest three.

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