Thursday, October 23, 2014

PDP Before the Book a Glimpse: Calvin and Kris

 “Has anyone ever told you that you are a cold hearted bitch?” Calvin asked as he watched Kris smirk at her phone.
“It’s possible, but at this level of not caring, I’m unsure.” Kris replied, taking her phone and shoving it into her pocket.
Calvin laughed. “So who did I yell at?”
“Some fool who keeps blowing up my phone.” She answered.
Calvin rolled his eyes. “That’s what you get when you accept a phone from your cousin.”
Kris shrugged and looked at her best friend. “What you making for dinner?”
Calvin raised an eyebrow. “I don’t see you making anything.”
“Looks like mine don’t cook. They simply eat.”
“Explains your hips.”
“You calling me fat?”
“Let’s go with that.”
“Has anyone told you that you are a condescending ass?”
“More than likely,” Calvin agreed. “But when you hit my level, you no longer worry.”
Kris looked at him with wide eyes and tilted her head back. “Ha!”

So there you go. A glimpse into the lives of Calvin and Kris, the main mortals of Power Draws Power, before the arrival of Mikhail and the gods.
This idea came to me after I received a text message from someone who I had no desire to talk to after two years of silence.
But if you enjoyed this little chat between Kris and Calvin, head over to Amazon or Barnes and Nobles to purchase Power Draws Power. Links are located on the left hand side

Poem Untold

Another poem from the previous month, I don’t like it as much but I wrote it for the development of a character I haven’t even wrote about yet.


Untold are the horrors I’ve seen.
I say nothing of the offense.

Bury it down.
Deep into the pit.

Not endless,
deep enough.

For the moment…

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Batgirl Issue One Review

So a few months back, Barnes and Nobles had a sale on all DC graphic novels. It was to celebrate the seventy-fifth year of Batman or DC comic itself. I am not entirely sure but the sale was buy two get one free.
I entered with the hope of buying Batman’s Hush and maybe another special or two. Upon arriving at the nerd section aka comics and science-fiction, I was unable to locate hush or any batman comics. I was disappointed to say the least. Hush is what got me into the batman comics.
But further exploration led to the discovery of volume one of Batgirl, Catwoman, and Wonder Woman.
Now I love Catwoman, anyone who knows me understands this fact. But Wonder Woman and Batgirl, I’ve never read. But a Twitter friend is a huge fan of both. So, on the faith that he had good taste in comics, I purchased both and am grateful I did. At least on the Batgirl stand, I have yet to read Wonder Woman.

The first issue of Batgirl gripped me. Barbara Gordon has regained the ability to walk and has resumed her identity as Batgirl. I hear fanfare at this declaration. But still holds a secret fear that becomes apparent at the end of the issue.
The writing style of this issue is what drew me in. It is tight, action oriented. Perfect for a disciple of batman.  The panel’s colors are deep, not dark and the action scenes look vicious as the compassionate scenes are sweet.

Overall the first issue was brilliant with the introduction of The Mirror, a killer who seeks the death of those who have survived when they should not have. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Poem: Exp

This is a poem I wrote in the beginning week of October. Technically, it was written in September, but it is the first one in my notebook and I like it.


There is a beauty in the world.
In the currents which shape us.

Divine bliss
Shatters the mirage

Bringing forth…

 that which should not be seen.

A conversation between characters

So I am currently talking to a friend about sexuality and this little snippit of conversation popped into my head. As I need to post to this blog three times a week and I am far behind in this, I decided to upload this.

The character’s names are Maurice and Valerius. You can thank the two closest books to me for that.
Without further ado. Read on

Maurice sat down next to Val on the stair case. The stone steps were surprisingly warm but it didn’t detract from the worry that the slab with the crack halfway though it would finally split sending the pair to the hard cement below.
“Are you ok?” Maurice asked, his left hand making comforting circles on his friend’s back.
“I’m fine.” Val said; voice surprisingly solid.
“You sure? She didn’t pull any punches.”
Val nodded his head to the right. “I’m good. How about you? She practically outted you.”
Maurice snorted. “That bitch didn’t do shit. My parents already suspect but won’t do nothing as I pay a good part of… everything really.”
A smile graced Val’s face. “Why don’t you just come out to them?”
Maurice huffed. “Why? Why the hell should I have to tell my parents I like guys instead of girls? Do straight people sit down with their parents and say ‘mom, dad, I like girls?’ No. They bring home the girl. Or in, Trenton’s case, get a girl pregnant and then bring her home.”
Val laughed. “Remind me to be there for that.”

And there is the scene. Hope you enjoyed it. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

October Goals... Should have been posted much sooner

It is now October tenth and my goals for this month have been going along fairly well.
I’ve been writing a poem a day. I made a non-vegan dessert that turned out good. There is still a savory oriented vegan dish to create as well but I already have something in mind.
I have yet to find a cover artist for Power Brings Power but that will require an afternoon of research and a few hours on Twitter. Will possibly attempt half of that on Saturday.
Which brings me to my next goal of the month, a two sided goal; post to Facebook twice a week and to interact on Facebook and Twitter more. For this, I am behind. But I have posted once to Facebook and a multitude to the birds. And if you know me and my dislike of FB, you would find that one update truly impressive.
My final goal is to post to this lovely blog at least three times a week and so far I am only five posts behind as this counts as a one.
So those along with review the books (comic and otherwise) I have are my aspirations for the month.
Will I succeed? Or will I fall so short, so quickly, that I break my nose in the attempt?

 There is only one way to find out.