Thursday, November 27, 2014

World's Finest Huntress and Power Girl Issue Zero

I am not going to lie, the cover confused me. As you can see it is a photo of Robin and Super Girl yet the title is Huntress and Power Girl. Still, I read it as it was the zero issue and zero issues are usually interesting and worth the purchase. And seeing as how I got the zero issue along with the next ten in the series for only eight dollars, it most certainly was. 
This issue tells of the meeting of Helena, daughter of Batman and Catwoman, and Supergirl, cousin of Superman. The original world’s finest. 

My opinion of this comic was that it was an excellent read. I love the pacing of the story and the artwork was bright and childlike. My one complaint is that the family dynamic in the Wayne household was lacking something… I think it was Alfred.
As I have the next issue, I will be reading it.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Poem: Slither

This is another poem from September of this year.
It is one of the few poems I wrote in that month in which I was not trying to find the head space of a character.
As for the state I was in... I am unable to recall.
Either way, I hope you enjoy.


Crawls from the abyss

Like an open wound

It seeks to consume
All encompassing


Struggle to breath

Then exhale.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Catch up time

I have about nine more post to do before I can consider my goal met. I will be posting up a storm this next week. 


This poem came soon after "Aphrodite" I had the idea of linking them together and I might proceed with that as it seems like a more interesting idea then the short story.


He moves in
Howls of savage man echoing around him
Armor stained with blood.
The stench of death hanging heavy in the air


A poem, that I wrote when trying to work on a short story involving the goddess and a mortal servant. The story is still in its infancy.


A caress of desire
Augmented by lust

War has been brought for less

Monday, November 3, 2014

November Goals... well some of them

Well, it is a start. This post is only three days late instead of a week or so. With that said, hello to those who have stumbled onto my blog!

The month is November and to all the book creators out there, you understand what that means. It means that it is time to write a novel… in a month!

Crazy is what I called it last year. Sixty thousand words or so is the goal. I had attempted the challenge by writing Rising Power, book four in the Power Series and the first side story, but quickly realized- ten thousand words or so- that I would not be able to with book three unedited.

As that was the case, I started a new story dubbed Bastard Born, a fantasy revolving around the consequences of choices. I was thirty thousand words into it when the month ended and I made planes for the sequel and four other books of the series. I lost track of the book until January, when I dusted that data file off and wrote some more. Bastard born is currently sitting at fifty-odd-thousand words. Rising Power hasn’t been touched since its inception.

Book three of the Power series still needs to be edited. This was one of my goals for last month. One of the two I didn't even attempt.

So for this month I will find a cover for book two, Power Brings Power, and edit book three, Power Breeds Power, as well as continue writing a poem every day. Make two new recipes and blog three times a week.
A goal I fell short of last month. But I did try. This month will be better.

More goals to follow.

I’m off to find some inner peace.

Good night everyone.