Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Batgirl Issue One Review

So a few months back, Barnes and Nobles had a sale on all DC graphic novels. It was to celebrate the seventy-fifth year of Batman or DC comic itself. I am not entirely sure but the sale was buy two get one free.
I entered with the hope of buying Batman’s Hush and maybe another special or two. Upon arriving at the nerd section aka comics and science-fiction, I was unable to locate hush or any batman comics. I was disappointed to say the least. Hush is what got me into the batman comics.
But further exploration led to the discovery of volume one of Batgirl, Catwoman, and Wonder Woman.
Now I love Catwoman, anyone who knows me understands this fact. But Wonder Woman and Batgirl, I’ve never read. But a Twitter friend is a huge fan of both. So, on the faith that he had good taste in comics, I purchased both and am grateful I did. At least on the Batgirl stand, I have yet to read Wonder Woman.

The first issue of Batgirl gripped me. Barbara Gordon has regained the ability to walk and has resumed her identity as Batgirl. I hear fanfare at this declaration. But still holds a secret fear that becomes apparent at the end of the issue.
The writing style of this issue is what drew me in. It is tight, action oriented. Perfect for a disciple of batman.  The panel’s colors are deep, not dark and the action scenes look vicious as the compassionate scenes are sweet.

Overall the first issue was brilliant with the introduction of The Mirror, a killer who seeks the death of those who have survived when they should not have. 

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