Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Short Rant About Book Series Expanding Decades

Before reading this, keep in mind that this is a rant. If it was an essay, I would support my arguments and it would flow. The grammer would also be better. Not by much, though....

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The problem with series that follow a central character is that the character has to evolve. Take Anita Blake and Eve Dallas for example. I started reading these series in my junior year of high school. Both of the books I found interesting for different reasons. The first book of Anita  Blake-Guilty Pleasures- was a paranormal thriller with romantic elements in it, while Eve-Naked in Death- was a futuristic thriller/romance. Both of the series had strong females as the lead with a past that defined them.

As the series progressed the characters evolved, Eve got married- a woman who was terrified of love and showing emotion and Anita found love from different sources – a catholic raised girl who believed in monogamy.

Further down the road they changed even more Anita gained new powers and responsibilities while Eve had to deal with becoming Ms. Roark and the career halter being married to such a powerful man poses.

Now I can’t say how the newest books in this series are as I am about four books behind in the Dallas series and one behind in Anita, but taking into account that both series have been going on since the mid to late nineties, I’m impressed by the way the characters have evolved. Do I believe they are as good, if not better than the earlier books? No.  Do I believe that are worse? Also, no. They are just different and sometimes different just doesn’t agree with you.

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