Before I begin I must say that I debated with myself on whether
if I should write this or not. But my mind wouldn't be silent and I wrote this
while walking from work.
It’s February and while Valentine’s Day is the main
attraction, let’s not forget that this is also Black History Month.
So in respect of this occasion, I’m going to talk about my
childhood, more accurately, the cartoon shows I used to watch.
Like any other child, I watched a gambit of cartoons.
Spiderman, Batman, Superman, Power Rangers, ok not really a cartoon, but
assuredly kid friendly. What did all those shows have in common? Bright colors,
a story-mostly- and no black main character.
As I was a child, I didn’t care that all the stars of the
show were white, mostly. I enjoyed them for the action and the sounds. But a
part of me did wish that the guy under the spider-man suit was black.
So when Static Shock came to the TV screen, I was ecstatic.
I don’t remember much about the episode, just the events
around it; a giant bowl of cereal and fighting with my brother to see who would
sit in Dad’s chair. If that lasted as long as it normally did, the first ten
minutes of the show wasn’t observed. But
I recall the impression of wanting to see next week’s episode ASAP.
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