Thursday, November 27, 2014

World's Finest Huntress and Power Girl Issue Zero

I am not going to lie, the cover confused me. As you can see it is a photo of Robin and Super Girl yet the title is Huntress and Power Girl. Still, I read it as it was the zero issue and zero issues are usually interesting and worth the purchase. And seeing as how I got the zero issue along with the next ten in the series for only eight dollars, it most certainly was. 
This issue tells of the meeting of Helena, daughter of Batman and Catwoman, and Supergirl, cousin of Superman. The original world’s finest. 

My opinion of this comic was that it was an excellent read. I love the pacing of the story and the artwork was bright and childlike. My one complaint is that the family dynamic in the Wayne household was lacking something… I think it was Alfred.
As I have the next issue, I will be reading it.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Poem: Slither

This is another poem from September of this year.
It is one of the few poems I wrote in that month in which I was not trying to find the head space of a character.
As for the state I was in... I am unable to recall.
Either way, I hope you enjoy.


Crawls from the abyss

Like an open wound

It seeks to consume
All encompassing


Struggle to breath

Then exhale.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Catch up time

I have about nine more post to do before I can consider my goal met. I will be posting up a storm this next week. 


This poem came soon after "Aphrodite" I had the idea of linking them together and I might proceed with that as it seems like a more interesting idea then the short story.


He moves in
Howls of savage man echoing around him
Armor stained with blood.
The stench of death hanging heavy in the air


A poem, that I wrote when trying to work on a short story involving the goddess and a mortal servant. The story is still in its infancy.


A caress of desire
Augmented by lust

War has been brought for less

Monday, November 3, 2014

November Goals... well some of them

Well, it is a start. This post is only three days late instead of a week or so. With that said, hello to those who have stumbled onto my blog!

The month is November and to all the book creators out there, you understand what that means. It means that it is time to write a novel… in a month!

Crazy is what I called it last year. Sixty thousand words or so is the goal. I had attempted the challenge by writing Rising Power, book four in the Power Series and the first side story, but quickly realized- ten thousand words or so- that I would not be able to with book three unedited.

As that was the case, I started a new story dubbed Bastard Born, a fantasy revolving around the consequences of choices. I was thirty thousand words into it when the month ended and I made planes for the sequel and four other books of the series. I lost track of the book until January, when I dusted that data file off and wrote some more. Bastard born is currently sitting at fifty-odd-thousand words. Rising Power hasn’t been touched since its inception.

Book three of the Power series still needs to be edited. This was one of my goals for last month. One of the two I didn't even attempt.

So for this month I will find a cover for book two, Power Brings Power, and edit book three, Power Breeds Power, as well as continue writing a poem every day. Make two new recipes and blog three times a week.
A goal I fell short of last month. But I did try. This month will be better.

More goals to follow.

I’m off to find some inner peace.

Good night everyone.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

PDP Before the Book a Glimpse: Calvin and Kris

 “Has anyone ever told you that you are a cold hearted bitch?” Calvin asked as he watched Kris smirk at her phone.
“It’s possible, but at this level of not caring, I’m unsure.” Kris replied, taking her phone and shoving it into her pocket.
Calvin laughed. “So who did I yell at?”
“Some fool who keeps blowing up my phone.” She answered.
Calvin rolled his eyes. “That’s what you get when you accept a phone from your cousin.”
Kris shrugged and looked at her best friend. “What you making for dinner?”
Calvin raised an eyebrow. “I don’t see you making anything.”
“Looks like mine don’t cook. They simply eat.”
“Explains your hips.”
“You calling me fat?”
“Let’s go with that.”
“Has anyone told you that you are a condescending ass?”
“More than likely,” Calvin agreed. “But when you hit my level, you no longer worry.”
Kris looked at him with wide eyes and tilted her head back. “Ha!”

So there you go. A glimpse into the lives of Calvin and Kris, the main mortals of Power Draws Power, before the arrival of Mikhail and the gods.
This idea came to me after I received a text message from someone who I had no desire to talk to after two years of silence.
But if you enjoyed this little chat between Kris and Calvin, head over to Amazon or Barnes and Nobles to purchase Power Draws Power. Links are located on the left hand side

Poem Untold

Another poem from the previous month, I don’t like it as much but I wrote it for the development of a character I haven’t even wrote about yet.


Untold are the horrors I’ve seen.
I say nothing of the offense.

Bury it down.
Deep into the pit.

Not endless,
deep enough.

For the moment…

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Batgirl Issue One Review

So a few months back, Barnes and Nobles had a sale on all DC graphic novels. It was to celebrate the seventy-fifth year of Batman or DC comic itself. I am not entirely sure but the sale was buy two get one free.
I entered with the hope of buying Batman’s Hush and maybe another special or two. Upon arriving at the nerd section aka comics and science-fiction, I was unable to locate hush or any batman comics. I was disappointed to say the least. Hush is what got me into the batman comics.
But further exploration led to the discovery of volume one of Batgirl, Catwoman, and Wonder Woman.
Now I love Catwoman, anyone who knows me understands this fact. But Wonder Woman and Batgirl, I’ve never read. But a Twitter friend is a huge fan of both. So, on the faith that he had good taste in comics, I purchased both and am grateful I did. At least on the Batgirl stand, I have yet to read Wonder Woman.

The first issue of Batgirl gripped me. Barbara Gordon has regained the ability to walk and has resumed her identity as Batgirl. I hear fanfare at this declaration. But still holds a secret fear that becomes apparent at the end of the issue.
The writing style of this issue is what drew me in. It is tight, action oriented. Perfect for a disciple of batman.  The panel’s colors are deep, not dark and the action scenes look vicious as the compassionate scenes are sweet.

Overall the first issue was brilliant with the introduction of The Mirror, a killer who seeks the death of those who have survived when they should not have. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

A Poem: Exp

This is a poem I wrote in the beginning week of October. Technically, it was written in September, but it is the first one in my notebook and I like it.


There is a beauty in the world.
In the currents which shape us.

Divine bliss
Shatters the mirage

Bringing forth…

 that which should not be seen.

A conversation between characters

So I am currently talking to a friend about sexuality and this little snippit of conversation popped into my head. As I need to post to this blog three times a week and I am far behind in this, I decided to upload this.

The character’s names are Maurice and Valerius. You can thank the two closest books to me for that.
Without further ado. Read on

Maurice sat down next to Val on the stair case. The stone steps were surprisingly warm but it didn’t detract from the worry that the slab with the crack halfway though it would finally split sending the pair to the hard cement below.
“Are you ok?” Maurice asked, his left hand making comforting circles on his friend’s back.
“I’m fine.” Val said; voice surprisingly solid.
“You sure? She didn’t pull any punches.”
Val nodded his head to the right. “I’m good. How about you? She practically outted you.”
Maurice snorted. “That bitch didn’t do shit. My parents already suspect but won’t do nothing as I pay a good part of… everything really.”
A smile graced Val’s face. “Why don’t you just come out to them?”
Maurice huffed. “Why? Why the hell should I have to tell my parents I like guys instead of girls? Do straight people sit down with their parents and say ‘mom, dad, I like girls?’ No. They bring home the girl. Or in, Trenton’s case, get a girl pregnant and then bring her home.”
Val laughed. “Remind me to be there for that.”

And there is the scene. Hope you enjoyed it. 

Friday, October 10, 2014

October Goals... Should have been posted much sooner

It is now October tenth and my goals for this month have been going along fairly well.
I’ve been writing a poem a day. I made a non-vegan dessert that turned out good. There is still a savory oriented vegan dish to create as well but I already have something in mind.
I have yet to find a cover artist for Power Brings Power but that will require an afternoon of research and a few hours on Twitter. Will possibly attempt half of that on Saturday.
Which brings me to my next goal of the month, a two sided goal; post to Facebook twice a week and to interact on Facebook and Twitter more. For this, I am behind. But I have posted once to Facebook and a multitude to the birds. And if you know me and my dislike of FB, you would find that one update truly impressive.
My final goal is to post to this lovely blog at least three times a week and so far I am only five posts behind as this counts as a one.
So those along with review the books (comic and otherwise) I have are my aspirations for the month.
Will I succeed? Or will I fall so short, so quickly, that I break my nose in the attempt?

 There is only one way to find out. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Dinner Review Cibo

Cibo's wood fire margarita pizza  and onion rings.
So good.

I've been wanting this pizza ever since I show the board advertising it on Division in Portland. But it was a happy hour special and it's one that doesn't start till five. Seeing as Division is usually a mess of construction work, and horrendous ammounts of foot traffic,  staying there for any extended point in time is next to impossible. But as luck would have it, my sister and I managed to be in the area when happy hour rolled around.

The service was decent.  The greeter was friendly and smiled a lot. The server served the food and was on his way. A big fan of that.

The pizza came quickly.  Ten to fifteen minutes. The onion rings shortly after.

My one complaint was that the onion rings- food I consider appetizers- came after the pizza, not before.
And the local beer from Hood River we bought was hoppy as all get out. It varied between sweet and bitter. I'm glad we only bought one.

On the other hand twelve dollars for a pizza made for a hungry two people, onion rings and a single beer. Toss in a friendly tip and your still sitting pretty for dinner under twenty.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Comic Book Review: Future's End Issue Zero

There is nothing better than free comics. OK, maybe a free beer or food. But the point remains free is good.
Futures End issue 00 is written by Brian Aazzarello, Jeff Lemire, Dan Jurgens, and Keith Giffen. So many people for twenty some-odd pages with even less words. Don’t even get me started on the artists.
Back to the story. Futures End takes place thirty-five years- Batman Beyond time- into the future and the Flash got old. Personally thought he was too fast for that. Most of the super heroes and the civilian populace have been transformed by Brother Eye, a system created by Batman and Mr. Terrific, into zombie-cyborg type beings.
In efforts to rectify this, old man- yes, I had to add this- Batman builds a time machine so he can go back to before these event occurs. I must say old man bats costume is cool. Although, the bat symbol reminds me of a nightlight I had when I was little.
From there, the army of Brother Eye invades the bat-cave, at least I think it’s the bat-cave and generally messes things up for what is supposed to happen.
The artwork isn't awe inspiring. The tone however was. For a vast majority of the panels, the background is red and there are certain scenes that have you going ‘how can these be in a teen comic?
Like the scene of Batman Beyond kneeling near Batman. Graphic… I loved it.
The next page has Batman Beyond heading into the past, just not exactly to the time wanted.

Issue zero was great and I am picking up the next one… as soon as the entire event is concluded which will be sometime next year. 

P.S. That's just wrong

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Gods of the Power Series: Persephone

The Myths
Daughter of Zeus and Demeter, Persephone is the queen of the underworld through her marriage with Hades. She also symbolizes the cycle of the seasons.

The Story

Former queen of Hades, Persephone is the creator of the vampire, and the Originals. She desires power and freedom.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Book Review Something Like Spring By Jay Bell

After consuming the past three books of the Season series, I was tired of Ben and his loves and wanted to read about someone new. So when Something Like Spring by Jay Bell came out, I was excited. It tells the story of Jason Grant, a young man in the foster care system and his search for a place to belong.
Of course, no jumping off point could exist without pieces of the past in it. The first introduction was Michelle, Jasce’s sister, you know, Ben’s husband from Something Like Summer, Winter, Autumn. She is Jason’s case worker and takes him to his new home, in the hopes that he will stop misbehaving and get adopted at the age of sixteen.
The home is owned by a couple named the Hubbard’s, who not only have a son of their own, but three other adoptive children under their roof.
At first, it seems like it could work. Jason is unsure of them, but was willing to try to fit in. Joining the other three adopted children, Jason participates in doing the chores.
Cesar, the Hubbard’s biological son, doesn’t do anything. A fact that annoyed me.  I don’t care if you are the prince of Egypt, you don’t favor one child above another in such a blatant way and expect the others to call you ‘parent.
That irritating fact aside, I did not expect Jason to fall for Cesar. The whole, “we are brothers… sorta” threw me for a loop that I should have known if I actually read the jacket cover. It speaks to an author’s ability as a writer to get me to buy their book and not even read the blurb before doing so.
Moving on, their relationship is discovered and Jason is thrown out and returns to the group home.
Time passes and Jason winds up at Ben and Tim’s home. I know. I was kinda wishing we could go a book without seeing Ben or Tim. Alas, that was not the case.  I won’t complain too much as they weren’t main characters, and they made me laugh.
Another love interest was made, William, currently engaged in a relationship with Kelly. The pair hit it off, and start meeting each other in secrecy. Seeing as how Jason was cheated on, I can’t understand how he could do it to another. No matter how dysfunctional the relationship is.

With a few laughs, sighs, and relatable events and characters, Something Like Spring ranks as my favorite book in the series and gains five out of five stars and not even because someone died! 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Book Review Gianni by Justin Luke Zirilli

I didn't know it was possible to want a character to get an STD, but I did, oh I did. Gianni, a first person novella by Justin Luke Zirilli, started off well enough. The main character, Gianni is at a photo shoot, talking about his mottos and ex-boyfriend. At first, he comes off as an arrogant individual with a shallow outlook on life. Not my favorite type of person to read about, but I enjoy diversifying my reading habits. Progressing further into the story, I started to wonder if the MC was a prepubescent girl instead of a young adult who was an up in coming porn star and rent boy. I also began to hate the character at this point.
It might be due to his ‘barely eighteen’ age that makes him such a self-absorbed fool, but I don’t remember being that judging at that age. Thirteen, absolutely.
From then on, most of the story is him trying to act like nothing matters and it is all just a game. A game that pays well.
The only thing that is semi-redeeming about Gianni is that as much as he denies it, he does want more out of life. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have been going on a date and hiding what he did for a living from him.

Gianni was a read. The MC was developed, if a bit childish. One I am glad that I got for free. It gets three stars out of five and a warning to all that would read it that the main character is self absorbed and you might wish him dead.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Book Review Earth's First By MJ Caan

In Earth’s First by M.J. Caan, humans’ obtain super powers via the arrival of an alien.
Truth be told, when I opened this e-book, I thought it would be all about city leveling battles, maidens in distress, you know, hero stuff. What I got was a story made up of characters, each with a sympathetic back story that keeps them human, even when they no longer able to make such a claim.
Maura Riley is the star of the show. A woman abused by her husband and the only reason why she stays is because of her son.
Personally, I would have left with my kid as soon as a hand was raised to me. But that’s just my own belief. 
Upon the First’s arrival on Earth, she gains super strength and speed from coming in contact with him. From there, she joins the government in order to understand what has happened to her and locate other like herself.
Without going into greater detail about the story as every character introduced has a part to play, I will end by saying that the sequel better be forthcoming soon and I give this book a four out of five.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Gods of the Power Series: Hades

Hades: Greek

The Myth:

Greek god of wealth and lord of the dead, Hades is said to be a greedy god that doesn’t depart with possessions easily. Especially souls.

The Story

Powerless and trapped in the ream named after him, Hades, the estranged husband of Persephone, knows of his wife’s ambitions and seeks a way to stop her advances.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Gods of the Power Series: Demeter

Demeter: Greek

The Myth:

Goddess of the harvest and seasons, Demeter lover her daughter above all. So much so that when Persephone was abducted, the world started to freeze.

The Story:

Choosing to live far away from her family, her death goes unnoticed until Hades finds her body floating down one of the immortal rivers of his domain.

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Gods of the Power Series: Athena

Athena: Greek

The Myth:

Goddess of war, wisdom, and the craft, Athena is a virgin goddess like Artemis and Hestia, she had a city-state built in her honor when she won the contest between Poseidon. She is the most favored child of Zeus.

The Story

Keeper of Zeus’ secrets, Athena is also a warden of the wall that seperates the primal forces of Greece from the world of mortals and gods. She knows if it falls those beings will come trampling back.
A virgin goddess with offspring, she must relinquish her title to one of them when they come of age and meet the requirements. Her children are named, Cullen and Markus and each of them lost their virginity as soon as it was possible.

Mikhail is her last hope. An ‘adopted’ son from a powerful goddess, Mikhail has the potential to rival, if not surpass, Athena.  A good thing seeing as if he doesn’t take the position, the threat of the Titans will become a much more probable future.  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Gods of the Power Series: Artemis

Artemis: Greek

The Myth:

Twin sister of Apollo, Artemis is the goddess of the hunt, moon and child birth, Artemis is a virgin goddess who has been known to turn arrogant mortals into stags or use them for target practice.

The Story:

A goddess dedicated to having fun. Loved by immortals and gods alike, she is welcomed into their homes. An empath of the highest order, this ability fuels her powers and is a source of trouble for her.

Her home, like her father’s is able to move from place to place. Unlike his, it is lined with Celtic rune magic that dampens her powers and allows her peace.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Gods of the Power Series: Ares

Ares:  Greek

The Myth:

One of the few Olympians born from the union of Zeus and Hera, Ares is the god of war. Despite the title, it is said that the mighty god fleas from battle when injured.

The Story:

Ordered by Zeus to cease with the wars involving the whole world, Ares grows bored with genocide. When asked by Artemis and Circe to assist with handling Athena, Ares jumps at the chance, if only to see a worthy battle.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Thirty Days of Chicken

March means chicken and while I did search for the proper name to describe a person who only eats, I fell short and decided to call myself a pesctarian who eats chicken instead of fish.
Unlike the previous recap, I will talk about the food, my physical reaction to meat, and my friend’s responses to this.
Two months of meat in a row wasn't a wise idea. Straight from fish to chicken and I was tired of it. I am truly not into meat but these months were about challenging me and the way I cook. So doing both months next to each other was a just another challenge and a smart idea as I would probably skip chicken month if not doing so.
Starting off with the food I have to admit I was excited about having fried chicken again. The last time I had fried chicken was three years ago, even longer since I had it good. The first chicken meal I consumed was a spicy fried chicken sandwich dubbed ‘the Blazer’ from Clackalacks, one of the food pods located on Belmont in Portland, Oregon.
Consisting of a boneless fried chicken breast, homemade pickles, a smoky slaw along with a garlic herb aioli, the sandwich did possess a kick of heat but was sadly, in my opinion, not worth the ten minute wait as the breading was too thick, the chicken lacked flavor the pickles were seen and the texture was felt, but not tasted, unlike the aioli that permeated throughout. Perhaps if they had wrapped the chicken in lettuces instead of a bun, the thick breading would have been more appreciated. As it stood, the amount of bread was overwhelming and made me wish I was a vegan again.
Still, eating chicken had its advantages if only for the comical reactions of my friends. When I told one of my friends I was eating chicken, she gave me a hug and told me that the teriyaki place across the street from work was good and only five dollars.
When I told another, she sent me a text saying something along the lines of meat is murder before sending me a picture of the roast she was making for dinner. 
My friend’s reactions were great and my body’s response wasn't horrible. The last time I had chicken, prior to this month, was in December when I was walking home from work late at night. I was hungry and dealing with the beginnings of a headache due to it. Normally, I would have had a protein bar in my backpack to munch on but I decided to clean it out the night before so it was devoid of food.   Stopping at the only open food pod, a Mexican joint I had eaten at many times, I ordered a burrito with chicken. It tasted fine. But hungry stomachs aren't supposed to be trusted as I went to bed with my stomach feeling off. I originally thought it was due to eating meat after such a long absence of it. But when I woke up at three in the morning with the realization that I had food poisoning, I realized I was wrong.
The most adverse reaction I had this month was when I was frying chicken and almost eating it while still pink in the center. Such a thing should be considered a scare and a reminder that large pieces of chicken will take a longer time to cook then smaller ones.
My own idiocy aside, chicken month was a rousing success even though I didn't make chicken kiev.

Will I do a month of only chicken again? No. Why? It is too much of a pain for someone who doesn't like meat.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Lentils, Cod, Brown Rice

Lentil, Cod, Brown Rice
Serves 2
1/2 pound cod, cut into fat chunks
2 cloves garlic, diced
Salt, pepper, red pepper flakes & coriander, ground and to taste
2 teaspoons of olive oil

1/2 cup lentils, French green
1 1/2 cup vegetable broth
1 clove garlic diced

1/2 cup brown rice
1 cup vegetable broth

1.      Bring broth to boil in a 2 qt pot before adding lentils & garlic, stir, cover and simmer.
2.      If you have a rice cooker, use that for the rice. If not, bring broth to boil add rice, cover and simmer.
3.      Both the rice and lentils will take around forty to forty-five minutes to be finished.
4.      At thirty-five minutes in, prep the cod chunks by dousing with oil and rubbing with spices and garlic.
5.      Place a small skillet on the stove, turn heat to medium-high, add cod and wait four minutes before turning. Wait another three minutes before removing from heat.

6.      Layer lentils over rice. Then place cod on top.

Side note: The green is roasted seaweed I bought earlier in the day. I placed that on the floor of the bowl before adding the rice. I thought it would add a nice crunch. It became soggy. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Motions part 01 of 02

I couldn't fall asleep. My brothers birthday was yesterday and I miss him. So this is what flowed from my mind. The second part will be posted later... more the likely, much later.

I see it coming
Days, weeks in advance
A smile is still there
Doesn’t reach high enough
His eyes are dim.
Though, not all the time.

I notice new markings
A scar on his shoulder
Showing the world his love of our mother.

In trouble again.
I’m not surprised.
Men in uniforms tell us of his location.
I refuse to visit.

mother goes alone

Thursday, February 27, 2014

A Piece of Chiidhood: TV

Before I begin I must say that I debated with myself on whether if I should write this or not. But my mind wouldn't be silent and I wrote this while walking from work.
It’s February and while Valentine’s Day is the main attraction, let’s not forget that this is also Black History Month.
So in respect of this occasion, I’m going to talk about my childhood, more accurately, the cartoon shows I used to watch.
Like any other child, I watched a gambit of cartoons. Spiderman, Batman, Superman, Power Rangers, ok not really a cartoon, but assuredly kid friendly. What did all those shows have in common? Bright colors, a story-mostly- and no black main character.
As I was a child, I didn’t care that all the stars of the show were white, mostly. I enjoyed them for the action and the sounds. But a part of me did wish that the guy under the spider-man suit was black.
So when Static Shock came to the TV screen, I was ecstatic.

I don’t remember much about the episode, just the events around it; a giant bowl of cereal and fighting with my brother to see who would sit in Dad’s chair. If that lasted as long as it normally did, the first ten minutes of the show wasn’t observed.  But I recall the impression of wanting to see next week’s episode ASAP.

No Longer Just Green Sandwich Recipe

The first time I made this sandwich, it was my month of being a vegan and I had very little in the fridge, just one or two pieces of kale, onions and garlic. But I was hungry and I wasn’t grocery shopping until later in the day. So using what I had at hand, I sautéed the kale with the onions and garlic and added smoked paprika to give an extra kick of flavor. Veganase on the bread and I was done. 
I remade the sandwich the other day, added some sliced carrots and used rainbow char instead of kale. Smoked Paprika was still a staple but I used a hamburger bun from New Seasons instead of regular bread.

The remade sandwich. Unfortunately, this bun has honey in it, so it isn’t vegan. 

No Longer Just Green Sandwich

¼ onion sliced (Mine is red)
3 sprigs of rainbow char
1-2 cloves of garlic diced
1 medium carrot
½ tsp smoked paprika 
½ tsp oil (I used grapeseed)
Salt and pepper to taste
2 slices of bread.

Heat oil in skillet on medium high heat alongside onions, garlic and carrots cook until onions start to turn translucent. 
Mix in char at this point in time, stirring occasionally until wilted. Once wilted, add smoked paprika, salt and pepper. 
Stir one final time before placing on bread or bun topped with Vegenaise.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Thirty Days as a Vegan

Veganism, is the practice of abstaining from animal products, aka not eating meat, milk, milk products- butter, cheese-, and honey[i]. Being vegan wasn’t hard but it wasn’t as easy as I expected.
Initially, I thought that it would just be omitting eggs from my diet. As I’m lactose sensitive, avoiding cheese and ice cream wasn’t a chore. Meat didn’t even rank since my primary diet is vegetarian. But I did encounter difficulty sourcing from friend’s opinions, restaurants that have a vegan friendly menu and packaged food.
Support is crucial in every undertaking. At the end of last year, I had decided to attempt a different diet each month.  So naturally I told my friends this, and one of them looked at me with big bright eyes and asked if I was going to start eating meat.  I naturally had to go extreme opposite and said vegan. They all looked at me like I was insane. When it became apparent that I serious, their words were less then encouraging. I knew they were joking, but no support would be coming from them. Thankfully, I had other friends that were all for my exploration of veganism and a few that were indifferent to it. However, those ones just wanted to see me binge at the nearby Cartlandia when the thirty days were up. As it stood, very few of my friends wanted to have lunch with me.  A good thing, seeing how very few restaurants’ have vegan options.
Vegan is not the same as vegetarian. For one, vegans don’t eat anything processed or alongside animal matter.  Three weeks into of my vegan experience and I was craving greasy and fat. This was a day after my waking by the Outback and feeling like I’d murder someone for a steak. I don’t like steak. So I texted a friend and after doing a little shopping in Sellwood, we got decided to get lunch. Or tried to. The café we normally visited was filled to capacity. So with the prospects of eating there and enjoying truffle fries a distant thought, we tried the two nearby pizza shops. Both places offered vegan pizza, but not by the slice.
Disappointed, we began to walk back to her place, but stopped at a burger place we passed earlier in the day.
Called Killer Burger, I asked what the potatoes were cooked in.  They replied peanut oil and only the fries were in it. I ordered a batch.
They were saltier then I preferred but, still, I had fries!
As I mentioned earlier, whether its food made by my hand or others, one thing remains the same, abstain from using animal products. With such a rule in place, how was I supposed to enjoy a sandwich?  
I love peanut butter and jelly. It’s my favorite sandwich. Jam, jellies, peanut butter, and bread all have sugar added to them. Commercial sugar is bleached white by charred cow bones[ii].
If I wanted to be vegan, I couldn’t eat that without knowing if it was white sugar or natural cane sugar. The solution for such a conundrum was a simple one; buy organic and grind the peanut butter yourself, or use the grinder at your favorite New Seasons, Whole Foods or Fred
Freshly ground peanut butter has a different taste its mass produced counterpart. It took me a few days to become accustomed to the ‘freshness’ of it. There was also the matter of purchasing location. Depending on where you buy your peanut butter, the consistency will vary.  Between New Seasons and Fred Meyer, I prefer to get my ground peanut butter at New Seasons; its smoother and lighter then Fred Meyer’s and doesn’t possess an odd, not unpleasant, taste at the end. I have yet to buy Whole Foods peanut butter, but I do procure my organic preserve there.
I should also mention that vegan bread is less moist then its counterpart. If you have any interest in becoming vegan and still want to eat bread, avoid Ezekiel bread. In my opinion, it borders on stale. Dave’s Killer Bread is delicious and comes in an assortment of flavors.
The final thing I need to mention is the dangers of prepackaged food, more specifically, the contents. I don’t often buy premade food, but on occasion, I do enjoy a Boca burger.-I should point out that most Boca burgers are vegan.- But what isn’t vegan is the cheese I would sometimes add. There is a vegetarian alternative. It is made with soy, water and casein. Casein is a milk protein[iii] found in many cheese alternatives. While at the store buying fruits and vegetables, I wandered into the dairy section. I saw soy cheese and automatically assumed vegan. I spent five dollars on the cheese only to return home and look at the ingredients prior to use. Naturally, I grumbled at the realization of what was in it and placed it into my fridge, for use at a later date. Reading what is in something you are about to purchase not only saves you from being disappointed, but it also keeps money in your pocket so you can buy vegan cookies.
As this is my unpaid experience and impression of being a vegan, what your outtake could be completely different. It could be better, it could be worse. One thing is for certain, never stop exploring or trying new things.



Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Shock Box by Jack Vega Book Review

Piss on the ground. Check. See the coming storm? Check. Stand next to a device that’s sole purpose is to harness the power of lighting, check. And stupid. But what are your going to do when the remote sensor on your shockbox doesn’t work due to the fact that your box is the end product of parts from other broken shockboxes? In a world where shockjockies are the elite, Christopher, the son of the city’s best, is forced to work for a thug who want his faulty shockbox filled.
As this was a short story, not much back info was given, such as how the world switched from dependency of oil to lightning.  But the back info that was there was enough to see why Christopher is doing what he was doing.

If Jack Vega was to write a sequel to this book concerning the same character, would I read it? Probably not, I feel that this story has completed its course. If he was to write another story in the same universe with a different character, would I read that? Definitely.

Power Brings Power Chapter One

* * * * *

Chapter One

The silence only lasted a few moments, but to Eutropius, the Greek god of divorce, it could very well have been ten minutes. Isis ran her hands through her hair, while Heru the Younger cursed under his breath.
“Blood Goddess, what are you talking about?” Eutropius asked Isis.
Heru the Younger looked at Eutropius, eyes dark and grim. “Thank you for bringing this to our attention, now you need to leave.”
“Isis,” Osiris addressed his wife. “Are you sure that she is back?” Osiris asked. “Surely you must be mistaken.”
“Does it look like I’m joking?” Isis yelled.
Osiris leaned back into his throne. His wife was never the type to yell. She couldn’t. She commanded magic that reacted to her emotions and needs.  The madder she got, the more damage she could do. She had to temper herself and make sure that it didn’t happen.
“Hold up; I heard that Haim Thea died a long time ago.”
His question was ignored, as Osiris rose from his throne.
“Summon the other gods… and get my worthless brother in here. We have a problem.”
“Excuse me, but I got a question.”
“And as I stated, you will be leaving. Now.”
Eutropius laughed. “I’m not leaving until I get some answers. And you are referring to a monster, when you are pointing someone who looks a lot like a friend of mine. So you are going to answer my question, or I’m going to stay until kingdom come.”
“There is a third option.” Heru the Younger offered. “We could kill you.”
“You could. Hell, you probably should. But you know as well as I do, that you would have to deal with some type of fallback.”
Heru the Younger sighed. “What do you know of Haim Thea?”
Eutropius shrugged slightly. “Not much, just what Hades told me.”
“Which was?”
“She was beautiful and extremely powerful; powerful enough to rule a majority of the ancient world.”
Heru the Younger nodded. “That is true. Do you know where she got her power from?”
“No, well yes, but no. The Titans were the one to give her founding power. She uses blood as a sacrifice. We think.”
Eutropius nodded. They think. “But she is dead.”
Heru the Younger shook his head. “Not according to my mother.”
Eutropius looked at Heru’s mother who was walking in a circle.
Eutropius clicked his tongue and asked. “How do you know this?”
Heru the Younger looked at Eutropius and he got the feeling that he was talking with Hades. “I just do.”
Eutropius sighed. “Whatever. So why can’t you do what you did last time?”
“We didn’t do anything last time. It was a mortal that did it.” Osiris said.
“Then maybe she’s like the Giants of Greece, and can only be killed by a mortal.”
“Doubtful. Every pantheon she came into contact with sent an army against her; she sent all of them to the afterlife.”
“Then how did the mortal do it?”
“We don’t know. If we did, we wouldn’t be calling my brother.” Osiris interjected.
Eutropius blinked and wondered why they thought his friend was the first blood goddess. Before he could wonder in detail, the ground beneath his feet opened into a hole and he fell into it.
Landing with a thump, Eutropius got up and brushed the sand off his jeans. Taking a breath he felt his head go light and the room go dark.

* * * * *

The frozen wind of the Arctic blew past Haim Thea and she barely felt the cold. A blood goddess’s nerves were less sensitive then mortals. Because of this, it made it possible for them to go places where a mortal couldn’t without wearing extra clothing. Haim Thea wore a pair of tight fitted blue jeans, a white tank top and a pair of sneakers. She stood over the Dumont d’Urville station and took a deep breath. There were exactly thirty-seven people down in the station. It would be enough to satisfy her hunger, for now.
Walking down from the small mount, she saw a little kid walk up to her holding a ball. She smiled; she loved kids. They were so sweet and innocent. Add a little terror, and they were perfect.
* * * * *

Persephone wasn’t the type that got angry easily, she could get annoyed, and paranoid, with extreme ease, but she was rarely angry. Her first born, the Originals were gone. The vampires were dust in the wind, the soul of that insolent brat was missing, and, to kick it all off, she was low on energy. Persephone maybe had enough energy to create three vampires or one Original. That wasn’t including the trip energy.
She had spent centuries building her power base and in less time than it took for Zeus to get five mortal women pregnant, she had lost it all.
Persephone opened the fridge door of her father’s cottage and pulled out a covered plate of Ambrosia. Taking a bite of the food of the gods, she moaned. It had been centuries since she had even a slice. It was sweet and crisp. A bitter taste followed. Furrowing her brow in dislike, she knew it was going bad. Persephone shrugged it off and ate the rest of the food on the plate, then consumed the gallon of milk and the head of lettuce. With the fridge sadly emptied, she turned and headed into the bathroom.
The bath stood on legs. The walls were mostly white; an ivy plant design was painted from the top of the door throughout the room. Persephone turned on the faucet. The water came out cold, sinking into the tub; she closed her eyes and felt for life. It was a gift that once belonged to her mother. The only problem was that she needed to be immersed in water for it to work. Or at least her mother did.  Pushing out some of her power, she felt for life in the desolate land. Strange thing was that she felt none. She knew that this part of the world was basically uninhabited from humans and gods but she knew it was a place of research. There should be a few life signatures. What happened to them? She wondered.
Did her minions take all of them earlier? She knew they took a few for themselves, and gave her the rest but did they take all of them? The answer didn’t matter; as of right now she needed servants. She closed her eyes again and sent out more power to feel for life. She could not feel even the animals. So she focused harder and forced her power to cover the whole continent. Instead of life she felt power. Immense power. She broke the connection and panted.
She had to get out of here, power like that was not natural, not right. It was something that shouldn’t be free. She had to get out of here, but first she had to destroy anything that could be used to track her. Fire, it was the only way to destroy her essence that was throughout the house. Quickly getting out of the tub she closed her eyes and transmuted the air into clothing and went into the living room.
There was a fire in the hearth. It had been burning since she had arrived. Someone must have ignited it. Whoever it was, she owed that person her thanks. Breaking the wooden shelves that held her step-mother’s knick knacks, she tossed the wood onto the fire and laid some of the other pieces near the fire and walked into the kitchen. Opening the cupboard doors, she searched for anything flammable. She found three cans of cooking spray, more than likely Hera’s as Zeus couldn’t cook, two bottles of whiskey and a bottle of wine. Reading the back of the cans she laughed. “Do not put under pressure.” She grinned and said to herself “Sounds like fun.”
Walking back into the living room, she noticed the fire was starting to catch on the wood. Taking a can of the cooking spray she tossed it into the fire, then another one and the last. Making sure she had the alcohol in hand, she teleported out of the house and back to what used to be her residence.

* * * * *

Haim Thea looked over what she had just done. She was proud of herself even though it wasn’t as good as it once was, but she had all the time in the world to re-perfect her art. Although, her mind was somewhat occupied with what she had just done, nonetheless she felt something. No, it was someone reaching out trying to make contact with her. Closing her eyes, she traced the power back to the point of origin.

Haim Thea observed the surroundings in which she now found herself occupying. The house was charred but not ash. The life that once flowed through the house was gone. Fire it was beautiful but it could destroy the spiritual aspects of things as well as the physical. She lost the only clue she had to finding the person who located her. But that was ok; it would give her something to do. Besides, tracking someone across the face of the Earth could be fun.

Power Brings Power Book Two of Power Series Note

I recently sent book two of Power Draws Power to a friend for his opinion of the story. So while I am waiting for him to finish reading, I thought I would post chapter one on the blog.

Power Brings Power is technically the second book in the series, but it can be read like the first, as book one was more of a prequel to Power Brings Power rather then the series itself.

However, as I am a published author, buy my book.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Book Review: Pawn Storm by Andrew Ashling

So if you are one of the people who follow me on twitter, you will remember a tweet complaining about the severe lack of Ehandar in this book. And by lack I mean none, save mention. I’m a diehard Ehandar fan. But that isn't the point of this review. The point of this review is to discuss what I liked about this book and what I didn't.
Pawn Storm by Andrew Ashling is book three of the Invisible Hands quadriliogy and the longest in terms of how much is accomplished. Due to risk of spoilers, I won’t go into detail about what happens suffice to say things go down. A war between the two super powers of the south starts. Anaxantis plots and schemes as if playing a game of chess. Hence the name.
What I liked about this book was the amount characterization. There are more the six characters that get field time;   Rhonoman, Lorsanthian, and of course, Ximerionian are their nationalities and each of these characters add their own perspective about the war. Due to the immense length of the story, it works.
However, a story this size can become confusing and from time to time, I did get lost, but staying up until two in the morning just so I could finish another chapter would cause such an issue as well.

Minding that, I did enjoy this book, ranking in at a four out of five. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

Power Brings Power prophecy

The blood of a different line will be spilt, made into our own.
The powers of death will be given new life, in a new generation.
The one who walks in red will find access to those who bring the end.

For when power brings power all is given to oblivion.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Power Series Scene

Got an idea in my head. This is what spawned from it.

Note The characters in this scene aren't ones that have been introduced in the series, as of yet.

I'm not certain if it will be in book four. But I like it so I thought I would post it.

* * * * *

Traditions had a meaning and Puck had a fetish. Kilts.

If it wasn't for losing the bet to Modi, this never would have occurred.

It was plaid and hideous.

Zeke would kill Puck for putting this idea into the Viking god's head.

“Kilts are fantastic.” Sam said from his place on the ground. “You can see everything.”

Zeke squeaked, took a step back, got caught by Sam's hand and promptly fell backwards.

“This view is nice too.” Sam as he raised his head a fraction. Snapping his fingers, pointing a finger upward, he continued. “Get on all fours and it would be perfect.”

“You’re a creep.” Zeke said in a non-judging manner. It was just truth. Sam was a pervert, but he was also Zeke’s best friend.

“Yeah, and you have a nice ass. Why is it that we never thought to put you in a kilt before this?”

“Because I don’t wear no skirts.” Zeke stood and crossed his arms. A slow, painful death. Yes, that sounded just lovely.

“It’s not a skirt, it’s a kilt.” Modi said defensively. Using his thumb as a guide to himself, and to add weight to his words, the Viking King continued. “I wanted you in a miniskirt.”

“I would have second that motion.” Sam announced.

“Shut up, perv.” Modi glared only to devolve into a joking grin. “Ogling Sam like that. He’s fragile, you know.”

Sam angrily brushed past Modi. “Let’s get this over with.”

Vegan Waffle Recipe

This is a recipe from vegan month. As I’m still waiting from a friends response to my essay on said month, I thought this would be a good idea.

Vegan waffles for one
Serves 1: two waffles

I like waffles. It’s as simple as that. But finding a vegan waffle recipe would have taken too long as my phone was dead and I didn’t want to go into my room for my laptop. So I just threw a few ingredients into a bowl and this is what turned out.  Add a little vegan butter or maple syrup and it’s good to eat.

2/3 cup unbleached flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp organic brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tbs of bob mills egg replacer and 3 tbs water
 1/2 cup vanilla almond milk
2 tbs grapeseed oil
2 teaspoon vanilla

Turn waffle iron on and set to medium.
Put all ingredients into a small bowl and mix with a whisk.
 Spray iron with coconut oil.
Pour batter into iron and close lid.
Wait for steam to cease, than remove from iron.

Place on plate and consume.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Book Review Alpha Girl By Kate Bloomfield

Young adult novels are usually a pain for me to read. Alpha Girl by Kate Bloomfield wasn’t so much. It tells the story of a young woman who suffers from an affliction and has to be locked in the basement of her home once a month, less she gets out to wander the woods.
Before I continue, I must warn potential readers that this story contains the act of statutory rape of a somewhat graphic nature.
If you are ok with that, then the sexual act occurring between the main character and her teacher should be fine. 
Moving on, the story itself starts a little slow for my taste but it gets better as it progresses. One of the aspects I enjoyed about the story is that Rose, the MC, is a werewolf and smells different-like a wet dog. In most of the werewolf centered stories I’ve read, the character gains power from being part beast, speed, strength, etc, and the downside is that they become dangerous during the full moon. This is the first story I’ve read wear they actually suffer outside the full moon.
On the other side, something I didn’t like was the parents seemed to be overall unconcerned with their daughters affliction. They are both having affairs and seem to push Rose into the background. It added a layer to the story, but it chaffed a bit.

Ranking at three stars, Alpha Girl was good read and I’m waiting for sequel to be published.  

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year Resolution

New year. New projects and a resolution that I can probably keep up for about three months.

My new year’s resolution was a simple one; to be more soiciable and dedicated. It’s to be broken into two parts; writing life and personal life.

What the sociable part entails in my non-writing life is to spend more time with my friends and family. And the dedication part is to try something new each month.

This month for dedication is veganism. So far, the only lapse I had was eating a caramel flavored chip. There was milk in it.

In the writing area of my life special detail me actually using the sites I’m one. Truthfully, I doubt I will fully embrace this, but I will try.

As for being more dedicated in writing, I will challenge myself with different tasks each month.  This month is writing a short story a week.  

The main projects for the month will be finishing the editing of Power Brings Power and submitting it for publication and translating Bastard Born from longhand to computer and edit that to kingdom come.

With that said, happy New Year to all.