Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Metamorphosis- A blog update/ creation

     Good evening to whoever is reading this. Or good morning if you are on the other side of the planet. Recently, I've noticed my writing taking a dip towards the perverse and dangerous. In truth, I'm excited. My muse for my happy go lucky writing had long since abandoned me. I've been stagnate in my writing a fact I came to realize when Rising Power was pushed to the side and Power's Shadow had taken the helm for the Power Series.

     To those of you who don't know what the Power Series is, I'll give you a brief idea. Gods, prophecy, and one man's search for peace and family.

     With the arrival of a new mused fueled by lust and the darker side of the psyche, I've created a new blog.

     I will still be posting reviews of comics and fiction books here. So don't you worry, I'm not abandoning this blog, well more so then usual.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Comic Review: Forever Evil Issue 1

It’s a miniseries and I own them all! Six parts and so far, it looks to be brilliant, if a bit epic. I mean that in the literal term.
The Justice League is dead and a villainous league from an alternate universe is taking over and is using the enemies of the Justice League as an army.
The cover is awesome if a tad confusing. I’m the type that looks for the cover in the book and I didn’t see Black Hand or Sinestro anywhere. I did see Black Adam and the Riddler and a massive amount of Batman’s rogue gallery. As that is the one I’m most familiar with, it isn’t surprising that they were the most recognizable. I also saw Lex and am curious to see what roll he will play in the later issues.

Overall, the first issue was good. It was a grand set up for the next one. I hope they delve deeper in the main run so I don’t have to spend more money locating the side issues. 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Comic Book Review: Aquaman issue 1

So while I was hanging out with a friend a while back, I came across a comic store that was selling back issues of comic’s dollars for a dollar. I had a buck to spare so I searched the bins and came across Aquaman. I have never read an Aquaman comic and I figured, “hey, why not? It’s only a dollar.”
So purchasing the comic, I placed it into my comic bin and ignored it… and all my other comics for the past three months or so.
But I had some time to spare and I dug out a comic.
The first issue of Aquaman was different. If I was to go by the comic cover, I would have thought it would be an issue with more action. It wasn’t. It was more personal. Aquaman is apparently the joke of superheroes as evidence by his helping cops and them being embarrassed for it.
The colorization of the panels looks like most comics of the new 52 line and wasn’t anything grand. I did however enjoy the facial pose; especially the one on the waitress when Aquaman leaves her two gold coins.

Overall, it was a decent first issue and I want to read the second as I believe that is when the action will start. 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Poem: Comfort


Rage is a comfort
It soothes the ache

And makes it possible to ignore fears.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Poem: Lover


I give you my time

My attention.


Like a minor fissure in a dam it’s taken time for my feelings to explode.

You are my priority.
Am I yours?

You say sweet words, when it is convenient to you.
You take time, on your schedule.

Never on mine.

You know aspects of the future, yet you make plans that conflict.

Offering excuses.
Saying ‘I don’t know.’
How can I know something when you don’t communicate?

I’ve grown tired of this.
These feelings are new.
Too raw… too much.

You make me feel too much.
I think you are worth it.

When I know that I caused that smile.

But lately,
My affection is turning to rage.

And it’s an old lover I thought I long since banished.